Calling All Food Bloggers!

Food Bloggers and coffee shop owners, I have some Special Coffee PLR for you! High-Quality Coffee PLR! Over five hundred billion cups of coffee are consumed each year making it the most popular drink on earth. For centuries, this aromatic, spirit-lifting, energy providing elixir has been the beverage of choice to serve at any and all events and helps many of us start our day. Think how many meetings and friendships have started and blossomed over a cup and how many delicious meals have ended with a rich, dark, cup of coffee Coffee is grown extensively in fifty-three countries across the equator but there are just as many ways to serve. If… Read More

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The best health & wellness PLR you will ever find

Hands down! This is the best health & wellness related PLR content that you will ever find Just look at this – 10 PLR Articles, 10 Emails & 10 Social Media Posts on Healthy Fats to Fill You Up! Each article is over 400 words that’s a total of more than 4,600 Words The article titles in this set: Not All Fats Are Created Equal Guess What – Fatty Foods Can Be Healthy How Eating Fat Can Help You Lose Body Fat The Benefits Of Eating Avocados 3 Healthy Oils You Should Eat Let’s Talk About Coconut Oil A Case For Real Butter Bone Broth, Bullet Proof Coffee And Other… Read More

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Five CRITICAL things to do for your health

The five CRITICAL things to do for your health and weight loss I’m often asked what is the best diet, or the best food program, best exercise program and which single best book to recommend to improve your health, fitness or weight loss. The answer is that there is no best way to do it. There is no best book, and there is no right way or wrong way to do it. The 5 Critical things you must do to achieve your health are these 1. Continue to learn about health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss from a wide variety of sources The single most important thing to do right… Read More

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An Introduction To Gourmet Coffee

Speciality gourmet coffee is very popular among coffee drinkers today. As a matter of fact, statistics show that it is one of the fastest growing food retailers netting approximately $8.5 billion a year.Over five hundred billion cups of coffee are consumed each year making it the most popular drink on this earth. For centuries, this aromatic, spirit-lifting drink has been the beverage to serve at any and all events. Many board meetings and friendships have thrived over a cup of coffee.

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What If Low Carb Diets Can Cure Diabetes And Heart Disease

Low-carb diets can be advantageous in increased body weight , heart disease and treatment of diabetes according to new clinical studies . Low carb diets still revolutionize the clinical practice of nutrition. Many scientists are now indicating low carb solutions for many disease states, according to Richard D. Feinman, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. He also says “And practically speaking, some of the clinical results, particularly in diabetes, are quite remarkable.” “I have seen many patients who were heading for disaster and who have turned their disease and their lives around simply by avoiding foods they cannot tolerate: carbohydrates.” This simple, effective approach could… Read More

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